Saturday, October 29, 2011

Scrapbook EXPO Oct. 2011 - Sacramento CA...

This day and every EXPO that my girls and I go to has to be some of my favorite days of the year.
Here are some pics. of my girls and my big score of the day. I always take pics. of my stuff so when I go
to the next one I can look at the pics. to see what I bought the last time so I don't duplicate my goodies.
But if I do, I always know some girlies that would happily take it off my hands. A couple other friends met
us there and I didn't think to get pics. with them.

Thanks for the great times my friends.

Marci, Sabrina & Lori


  1. Yes,Tracy, those are sock monkeys...
    Missed you at Expo this time. I know we will catch you on the next one.


  2. looks like you had a really great time...lots of fun stuff to play with...makes my gathering heart proud...smiles, Kim

  3. So much fun! Look at all those goodies!!
